Scary Exciting times

For a lot of SMEs the last few months have been a pretty rubbish time. Some companies have taken the approach of cutting costs to get through the “new normal”, with marketing budgets often being first in the firing line. In contrast, our most resilient clients have increased their marketing spend or redirected funds from traditional marketing (such JEP advertising) into developing their online presence to better serve their customers.
Understandably, Internet usage soared through lockdown and people have become more skilled and accepting of doing things online. Who’d have thought last year we’d be catching up with your gran over Zoom or helping our kids submit school work through an iPad? The appetite and expectations of both consumers and businesses to do more online is stronger than ever.
The appetite and expectations of both consumers and businesses to do more online is stronger than ever.
Help with digital transformation

The draw to cut costs and delight customers through digitalisation is obvious but many business owners they don’t know where to start. They need help deciding things like which cloud applications they should use, how they can securely facilitate flexible working for their staff, or which of their business processes they can automate.
This is where comes in! We’ve partnered with local tech companies Corefocus and Focused IT to provide a unique service that brings together the skills needed to help Jersey SMEs navigate digital transformation.
If your company is considering modernising but could do with a helping hand then drop me an email and we can have a chat to see if can help.