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Blue Llama have turned Pink for Pink October!

AI Assistants & Automation

Save money and free up team members to focus on high value work

At Blue Llama, our mission is to make artificial intelligence (AI) accessible to SMEs, helping them boost productivity and gain competitive advantage.

We create intelligent AI assistants that are tailored to your organisation’s needs. Built using ChatGPT’s natural language model, these conversational chatbots can be trained on your products, services, policies and procedures, to assist both customers and employees in a range of tasks. We can even integrate them with your cloud-based software to retrieve and update data, achieving true automation.

Our commitment to making digital simple makes us the ideal partner in exploring this brave new landscape.

Why Embrace AI?

Be more productive

Our solutions can help bring about operational efficiencies and free up your team members for higher value work.

Reduce costs

We work with you to determine where AI can provide the greatest value to increase your bottom line.

Address your unique challenges

We tailor our solutions to address your organisation’s needs, be that within HR, sales, customer support or any areas of your business. 

Benefit from early adoption

By starting to investigate AI now, you’ll be educated and positioned to take full advantage of this rapidly advancing technology.

Our Unique Approach

1. Discovery

We start by understanding your business and pinpointing areas that could benefit from AI.

2. Design

Our team brainstorms to conceptualise chatbots that will add maximum value.

3. Development

We bring your bot to life, feeding it your information and integrating it with your systems.

4. Deployment

We roll out the chatbot to where people can use it, either within your IT network or externally.

5. Monitor & Refine

Post-launch, we continue to analyse and fine-tune the assistants responses and make it work harder for you.

Example Use Cases

Customer support assistant

Trained on your products and services, AI can provide 24/7 support for your existing customers.

Company knowledge expert

Use AI as the brain of your business, where employees can get quick and accurate answers to their questions.  Find out more

Lead generation bot

Automate initial stages of your sales funnel for more scalable and effective lead generation.

Client onboarding assistant

Streamline the onboarding process, freeing up your team and leaving a lasting first impression.

Discover how AI can transform your business

Let’s have a 30 min discovery call to see if we’re a good fit for your project.