Jersey Confidential
Project Info
The team at All Island Media were spending four plus hours each week printing and separating a weekly 800+ page court document into it’s individual cases. They would then go through each case painstakingly searching and highlighting key bits of information hidden in the text, before manually entering all the data into the CMS of a very dated website.
This manual process was time-consuming and error-prone. They needed a more efficient way.
All Island Media
Media & Publishing

The Challenge
The PDF that the AIM team download from the Jersey courts contains all sorts of case documents (property, debt, loan), from different lawyers, in different formats, all merged together.
We needed a method to split the document down into each individual case, identify what type of case it was (property, debt, loan), extract the required detail from each case, then finally spit out all the data in a structured way to the website.
The Solution
We needed a variety of tools to perform each action and then an automation tool (Zapier) to create the workflow that linked them all together.
We implemented a comprehensive solution including:
• PDF splitting: We used a PDF tool to read and split the original court documents when it found certain text phases. (PDF.co and Google Drive)
• Case categorisation: Each individual document would be categorised by the type of case (property transaction, divorce etc.), named and stored accordingly. (ChatGPT API)
• AI data extraction: An AI bot would extract the required information, for example in the case of property transactions: house name, vendor, buyer, cost etc. (ChatGPT Assistants API)
• Data import: The information would be structured to meet needs and a feed provided to the new Jersey Confidential website. (JSON, WordPress)

The Results
80% reduction in manual time
Significant reduction in time and effort required for extracting information, allowing team to focus on more valuable tasks.
Much faster time-to-live
Removing reliance on people’s availability, greatly reduced the time to get the data live on the website.
New website features
The success of the AI process allowed for new data sets to be added to the website including loan and petty debt judgements.