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A Jersey Example to Help Explain UX! 🇯🇪

20 September, 2024
6 min

Pre-empting that “Desire Path”

Hey folks, Phil here from Blue Llama. I recently posted this photo on LinkedIn and it got such a great response we thought we’d flesh this out into a blog with more of an explanation.

I was out on a run and something really got me thinking about UX design and why it’s so crucial. Picture this: I’m running around Les Creux park, which is a popular spot for parents dropping their kids at La Moye school. There’s this nicely engineered path from the car park to the school that meanders around the edge of the field. But guess what? There’s another path, a clear short-cut right through the centre, cutting about 50 meters off the journey.

Now, why do I bring this up? Because too many websites take the long, winding route instead of the direct path that users naturally want to take. Good web design is all about putting yourself in the shoes of your users and making their journey as easy as possible. Just like that short-cut path in the park, a well-designed website guides users straight to their destination without unnecessary detours.

The UX Lesson from Les Creux Park

That short-cut, or “desire path,” as we call it in UX lingo, perfectly illustrates the core principle of user experience design. People will always find the quickest way to get what they want. If your website forces users to jump through hoops, they’re going to get frustrated and bounce.

What Good UX Looks Like

So, what does good UX design involve? It’s about understanding your users, mapping out their journeys, creating wireframes, and then testing and tweaking until you get it right. It’s about making sure the path from point A to point B is as smooth as possible.

Imagine if the path at Les Creux park forced parents to take a scenic route when they’re in a rush to drop their kids off. Sounds frustrating, right? The same goes for your website visitors. They want efficiency, not a sightseeing tour.

Appreciating the Invisible Work of UX

Most people don’t realise how much effort goes into good UX design. If you’ve ever left a website thinking, “Wow, that was easy,” then a UX designer has done their job well. It’s all about making complex tasks feel simple and intuitive.

My Personal Take

So, did I take the quicker path on my run? Nope, I was aiming to hit my 5km goal. But if I were one of those parents dropping off kids at school, you bet I’d take the short-cut. It’s all about context and making life easier for the user.

Wrapping Up

In a nutshell, UX design is about creating those short-cuts for your website visitors, making their journey as straightforward and enjoyable as possible. It’s about anticipating their needs and smoothing out the bumps in the road.

So next time you navigate a website and everything just flows, give a nod to the UX designer behind it. And if you’re looking to improve your own website’s UX, remember to think like your user and make those key actions as easy as a walk in the park.

Have you noticed any “desire paths” on your website? Let’s chat about how we can streamline your user experience! Let’s talk!

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Phil de Gruchy

Phil is the owner of Blue Llama, a digital agency in Jersey, Channel Islands. He has worked in digital for most of his career and has a wide knowledge of UX, web and app design and digital marketing.