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Channel Island SEO Tip – Get a DMOZ listing

22 June, 2011
4 min
Channel Island SEO Tip - Get a DMOZ listing

You are probably aware that ranking highly in Google is in some part related to the number and quality of external web pages linking to your website.  One link from an authoritative website, like Wikipedia, the BBC or a popular website within your industry, holds greater benefit than many links from less credible sources.  It isn’t just that people click on these links and get referred to your website, but the passing of what Google calls link juice between the pages.  This transferable kudos plays a very important part in the Google ranking algorithm and ultimately  boosts your rankings on Google’s result pages.

Dmoz Website Directory is one such authoritative source. While it’s passed it’s heyday, it is still ranked by Alexa as the 504th most visited website in the world.  Like the Yahoo directory, Dmoz is a human moderated directory of websites classified into categories.  One major  difference Dmoz and the Yahoo, is that Dmoz is free where as a listing in Yahoo will cost you $299.  On the flipside however, only about 10% of links ever get accepted into the Dmoz directory and for those that do, the wait between submission and acceptance can be months.  I’ve tried to get websites listed in a number of different categories and only a handful have made it.  That was until recently when I found listing in certain category was always successful (if guidelines are followed) and often accepted within a few days.

DMOZ Channel Island business listings

This particular category that has a conscientious and fast moderator is for Channel Island businesses.  Each time I have submitted a website in this particular category it has been accepted.  It only takes a minute or so to list your website and so is definitely worth the time investment.

How to add your business to the Channel Island DMOZ listings

1.  Visit the Channel Islands Dmoz category page.
2.  Browse the sub categories and find the one most suited to the field of business that you are in.
3.  Click on the “suggest URL” button on the top right of the page.

4. Enter the four bits of information required and capatcha and you’re done.

You don’t get an email to verify when you listing has become active but if you check back in a week you should see your link showing.


Don’t get me wrong, this isn’t going to double your traffic overnight but it’s effect might get you a few extra sales or inquiries over the space of a year and so in my opinion is worth the hassle.

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Phil de Gruchy

Phil is the owner of Blue Llama, a digital agency in Jersey, Channel Islands. He has worked in digital for most of his career and has a wide knowledge of UX, web and app design and digital marketing.

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